CNB Yachts

More than just a yacht

CNB Yachts Dealer

The elegance is in the detail.
Sometimes imperceptible individually, but capable of giving life to a coherent and valuable whole. Details that represent the exclusive signature of CNB Yachts.

Configure your CNB Yacht

Oceanis are the CNB Yachts official dealer. Contact us to find and configure a new or used CNB yacht.

Email your request Call us: +39 0184 481113

CNB Yachts Bordeaux 60

Bordeaux 60  

The largest sailboat for a family crew.

CNB Yachts  66

CNB 66  

A hull designed with the triple objective of increasing the CNB 66’s volume, performance and seaworthiness. Capable of sailing far afield, while still able to be handled by a couple.

CNB Yachts 76

CNB 76  

A boat that is quintessentially CNB… a kind of elegance in the French, made of balance, symmetry, measure, refinement in detail.

CNB Yachts 88

CNB 88  

Bringing together all the characteristic features of 90 to 100-foot sailboats in a new CNB/p>

CNB Yachts 94

CNB 94  

The latest addition to the family: the largest boat in the semi-custom line pushes the boundaries of CNB thanks to the experience gained with our one-offs.

CNB Yachts One-off builds

CNB One-off  

The latest addition to the family: the largest boat in the semi-custom line pushes the boundaries of CNB thanks to the experience gained with our one-offs.

Configure your CNB Yacht

Oceanis are the CNB official dealer
Contact us to configure your CNB Yacht

Email your request Call us: +39 0184 481113

CNB Yachts official website

Contact us

OY yachts